• Question: Are there any specific sports you study?

    Asked by laralara3 to Helen on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Helen O'Connor

      Helen O'Connor answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Hi Laralara3, I don’t study any specific sports because almost any athlete from any type of sport might want to work with me to help their performance – and it’s impossible to know about ALL sports.

      So, what happens usually is that if someone wants to see me who does a sport that I am not familiar with, I do a lot of reading and try to chat to other athletes doing the same sport, to find out as much as I can. I had to do this recently for a triathlete who I am working with – I hadnt work with a triathlete before, so I did a lot of research.

      It does mean that eventually I will probably know about a big range of sports. Also, I often get recommended by my clients – so one triathlete might recommend me to another etc.

      Right now the sport that I have most worked with is long distance running and golf. I have also worked with quite a few obese people to help them get motivated to be more active.
