• Question: Do you publish articules publicly so the public could read them because that would be really cool to learn about the science behind sport

    Asked by xgeorgiastephx to Helen, Jenni, Mark, Martin, Stu on 11 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by kayleighwarwick.
    • Photo: Helen O'Connor

      Helen O'Connor answered on 11 Jun 2011:

      Hi, I do try to get them published in scientific journals, but there is SO much competition to get articles published. I have sent 2 papers so far and havent had any luck 🙁

      But instead I write my own blog and articles for other people’s websites, so I can help the public learn about psychology topics (like why exercise can help our brain be better at learning and revision!). Often when we write articles, we get given lots of rules about how long the article can be and even what font size to use. This is an article that I was asked to write for gym-goers about exercise addition: it is not a piece of my own scientific research, but it tries to give an overview of the topic in a language that makes sense and hopefully help people http://www.yourdocmedical.co.uk/exercise/243.
