• Question: Do you think that any situation in a science fiction movie (like robots taking over the world) could come true in the future? If so, which one?

    Asked by mennie13 to Helen, Mark, Martin, Stu on 22 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Stuart Mourton

      Stuart Mourton answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Some things that have appeared in sci films films have come true, the sliding doors in star trek for example! As for robots taking iver the world, i think that’s pretty unlikely, we won’t have the ability to giv them the artificial intelligence they’d need to do that for quite a while, and i hope we’re an intelligent enough race to stop before we build something that could enslave us all of it’s own free will (appart from social-networking sites obviously!)

    • Photo: Mark Burnley

      Mark Burnley answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      The book Nineteen-Eighty Four was seen as science fiction when it was written. Read it and compare it to the world you live in…

      One thing science fiction films often do is predict things which break the laws of thermodynamics, making much of what they predict implausible. The Matrix, for example, suggested that humans were turned into power cells for electricity-hungry robots. The humans were fed on dead humans (yuk), but this fails to appreciate that the energy put into the human will always need to be more than the energy you get out, so it couldn’t possibly work – the film’s central premise broke the second law of thermodynamics. many films are like this, and I recommend Dean Burnett’s “Dear Hollywood, From Science” for more info: http://www.lablit.com/article/589

    • Photo: Helen O'Connor

      Helen O'Connor answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Like the guys have said above, so many things in science fiction movies have now become reality.

      Maybe our minds and imagination can only “leap” so far into the future based upon what we already know now and perhaps we can only ever create new ideas that are based upon existing modern technology. To have a totally original idea is pretty rare.
