• Question: I do at least 2/3 sports per day, do I need to eat more if I'm burning off so much?

    Asked by corbettr09 to Stu, Martin, Mark, Jenni, Helen on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jenni Tilley

      Jenni Tilley answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      depends how long you’re doing the sports for, and how much you’re eating already. If you find you’re losing weight you’re probably not eating enough. But if not, you’re probably fine 🙂

    • Photo: Helen O'Connor

      Helen O'Connor answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Our bodies have evolved to be really adaptable and to conserve engergy which is an evolutionary survival mechanism. When we do the same exercise routine regularly, our body gets used to it, and so starts to use energy more efficiently: this means we often use less calories that we used to when we first started doing it (because at first it was harder and took more effort too). This is why its good to change your exercise routine around a bit and to set challenging goals.

    • Photo: Stuart Mourton

      Stuart Mourton answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      As the others have said, your body will get used to doing lots of acitivity and be more efficient at producing energy. If you find you are struggling to do all the sports you want to though and a getting tired then you may need to have slightly more of the substances used to produce energy. Vitamines, minerals, carbohydrates and protiens will all be used when exercising so you need to make sure you have plenty of these in your balanced diet.
