• Question: Were you inspired by anyone which then made you interested in science?

    Asked by cupcake to Helen, Jenni, Mark, Martin, Stu on 21 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by kathsta910lol, star1.
    • Photo: Helen O'Connor

      Helen O'Connor answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      I think that I was inpsired by all elite athletes – I wanted to understand what went on in their heads – their thoughts and feelings – that helped them get to the top of their game. Athletes need to not only be physically well trained, but mentally well-trained too – otherwise even with all the physical preparation in the world, they could just collapse under the pressure of a competition. In particular I was inpsired by athletes like Kelly Holmes who came back from some terrible performances, and had to change her entire training and mindset, to then take a Gold. And Steve Redgrave, who even with diabetes, managed to train like a champion to take 5 Golds.

    • Photo: Stuart Mourton

      Stuart Mourton answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      I think i had a book on space when i was a kid, that started me being interested in science in genneral, then a PE teacher i had at school got me really interested in sport and the science behind it.

    • Photo: Mark Burnley

      Mark Burnley answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      My grandfather got me interested in science. He started telling me about the stars, and how far away they were, what they were made of an all sorts of things like that. He also gave me books on how the eye worked, and I was amazed that a structure could be so complex, yet the way it really worked was so simple. That’s biology for you, and I was hooked.

    • Photo: Jenni Tilley

      Jenni Tilley answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      No one person in particular – I was inspired by science and the discoveries we’ve made in the past 400 years.
