• Question: what are you planning to achieve by finding out why the body tires

    Asked by beccasaurous to Mark on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Mark Burnley

      Mark Burnley answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Apart from understanding the body better, a good reason to understand how and why the body tires is that it happens to everyone! More importantly, we know that if you exercise above a certain critical level you tire much more quickly than normal. We want to know what the critical level is all about. In you and me, this critical level will occur when we are running, but in older people and people with things like heart or lung disease, this critical level occurs when they are walking slowly. Think about that for a second – this means that for them, walking to the shops would feel like you or I running 800 metres really fast. So if we can understand what make you tired we can (hopefully) suggest things that can stop or reduce this tiredness, making peoples’ lives easier.
