• Question: What is the origin of star jumps and what are their purpose?

    Asked by elliscwh to Helen, Jenni, Mark, Martin, Stu on 16 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jenni Tilley

      Jenni Tilley answered on 16 Jun 2011:

      The mystery surrounding the Vitruvian Man, the iconic drawing by Leonardo DaVinci, which has baffled scientists and historians for centuries, has finally been solved.

      In a latest ground breaking study, Dr Benchpress, from the Institute of Ground Breaking Studies, has claimed that keep-fit fanatic DaVinci was merely working on another of his many inventions – The Star Jump.

      Dr Benchpress explained, “Many scientists have put hidden meanings into the Vitruvian Man but it basically does what it says on the tin – it’s DaVini’s own keep fit video if you like. He distributed this drawing to his students at his regular keep fit sessions”.

      This is yet another invention assigned to the genious that was Leornardo DaVinci. Amongst his other inventions were The Pole Vault, jogging, and Hopio Skipio Jumpio (now known as the triple jump).

      Leonardo expert Dan Brown, speaking from his bunker beneath the vatican, agreed with Dr Benchpress, “It’s a theory that has been knocking around for a while – many of the Illuminati of the day were into keep-fit and met a secret locations to carry out their routines – an act that back then was outlawed by the Church”.

      Professor Brian Cox has publicly criticised these findings saying, “It’s true that Leonardo was a keen fitness fanatic but it is a well established fact that star jumps were invented by Charles Darwin as he battled with cramp on the Beagle”.
