• Question: What's the most annoying sound in the world?

    Asked by charleyolivia to Mark, Helen, Martin, Stu on 22 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by mennie13.
    • Photo: Mark Burnley

      Mark Burnley answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Anything produced by Simon Cowell!

      The scientific answer would be that any sound that is non-white has the potential to be annoying to someone. After that it is a matter of taste. By “white” I mean sound containing all audible frequencies with equal amplitude. I know a scientist who goes to sleep listening to white noise because it calms him down!

    • Photo: Helen O'Connor

      Helen O'Connor answered on 22 Jun 2011:

      Hi charleyolivia

      To me the sound of wet wool (like when you have to hand-wash a jumper). Its all squeaky and sets my teeth on edge and gives me goosebumps!

      There is also certain frequency (17 kilohertz) of sound that as we get older we can’t hear. This is why some kids use the bumblebee/mosquito ringtone for their phones, as their phone can ring in class but the teacher won’t be able to hear it. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/12/technology/12ring.html

      But adults can use this frequency against kids too – some people have an alarm on the outside of their house that makes this sound – and whilst it doesnt bother adults at all (as we can’t hear it) kids find the noise so painful and annoying that it stops than hanging about!
