• Question: Why Do Girls tend To Be Smarter Than Boys

    Asked by limey5298 to Helen, Jenni, Mark, Martin, Stu on 14 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Jenni Tilley

      Jenni Tilley answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Hmm, not sure it’s as clear cut as that (as much as I’d like to believe us girls are smarter!)

      Everyone has different skills and abilities – some people are better with their hands (artists, plumbers etc), some are good at learning lots of information so are good at exams (helpful if you’re a doctor or a vet and have to learn lots of information), whilst others are better focussing on one thing for a long time and doing lots of research (so are good at coursework etc). That’s why GCSEs, Alevels and even University Exams are not just exams or just coursework – it gives everyone a chance to shine!

    • Photo: Martin Lindley

      Martin Lindley answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      lol 🙂 well like a true scientist I will ask you to define what you mean by smart ! When you have defined exactly what you mean then I am sure I will still not be abel to give you a definitive answer 🙂

      People mature physically and mentally at different rates so just as you see girls get taller before boys do then girls seem to get better grades in school.

      I was a very slow starter and did not do well in school but the older I got the better I got at learning and understanding things and before you know it I ended up a scientist in university 🙂

    • Photo: Helen O'Connor

      Helen O'Connor answered on 14 Jun 2011:

      Although there are differences *on average* between girls’ and boys’ brains, one of the big ones is that girls seems to be able to use both the left and the right side of their brain to do tasks (maybe why Jenni likes multitasking) and boys seem to use their left brain more than their right brain (which can help with technical problems and logic). So smartness will always depend on the task you give someone to do – it might be something they are better or worse at.
